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Our Team

SWAM certified 

Bernie Stanley 


Bernie Stanley is a native of Henrico County, Virginia with family roots in Western Hanover around Stanley’s Store. He attended Hermitage High School, VCU (Richmond, VA), Bridgewater College (Bridgewater, VA), the University of Barcelona (Spain), and graduated from VCU in 1994 with a liberal arts degree majoring in Political Science and Spanish. He was a real estate agent from 1994 to 1999.

Taking advantage of his ability to speak Spanish, he also spent several years teaching it in Henrico and Hanover County schools. He also bought and sold foreclosed properties for several years until 1999 when he started his construction business, South Anna Properties, LLC. Restoration of historic properties, new homes, and additions was the focus of his business until 2007 when solar energy caught his eye. After 17 years of leading Shockoe Solar, he started Shockoe Energy to create a specialized business focused on Battery Energy Storage Systems.

Bernie served his Hanover community as a member of the Farrington Volunteer Fire Department from 2001-2006 and served as a field team member of Piedmont Search and Rescue from 2007-2009. He earned his 50 ton Merchant Mariner Credential (Captain’s License) in 2014 and enjoys boating with his family and friends in the Chesapeake Bay. Bernie lives in Ashland on the South Anna River and spends most weekends on his boat in Gloucester Point, Virginia.


Chief of Operations / Technical Consultant

A life long resident of Hanover County, Ryan graduated from White Pine Academy in 2014. He decided not to go to college reasoning that a college degree does not always equate with a better career.  He began searching for a business that could teach him a growing trade, which brought him to the solar industry in 2016. As an accomplished self-learner, he rapidly acquired the skills necessary to become a seasoned solar installer. After installing and servicing battery systems for 8 years, he became an integral part of Shockoe Energy.

Ryan is an expert on BESS including Enphase Ensemble, Fortress, SolarEdge and LG Chem battery systems. He’s an expert on SMA, SolarEdge, SolArk and many other hybrid inverters. His knowledge of battery systems is unsurpassed in Virginia.

In his spare time he enjoys the outdoors, whether it be hiking, sailing, rock climbing, or any other sport. This enjoyment was planted in him at an early age, as a lifelong Boy Scout. He achieved the rank of Eagle in 2014 and still continues to volunteer at local camps and events.